Katt Min

Rovicon V

Rovicon V

In this world of social media, 24/7 connectedness and content shoved down our throats ad nauseam, it’s no wonder that mental health experts worldwide express g... Read More...
Chasing the Dream

Chasing the Dream

I was born a car guy. In the late 1970s, my father worked for Alfa Romeo, opening up dealerships; my mother served as vice-president of the local Alfa club. Da... Read More...
Summer Lovin’

Summer Lovin’

Remember the best summer of your life? The one where you met the girl or guy, experienced life in ways that you had only imagined, woke up every day with bound... Read More...
West Coast Adventures

West Coast Adventures

California ranks third in terms of US land mass, behind only Alaska and Texas. Our 163,696 square miles normally provide enough area for the Northern Californi... Read More...


In my automotive life, I’ve gone from 8,000 hp to 111 hp, from a jet-powered dragster to a ’92 Defender 90 200 Tdi. Here’s how it happened. I spent m... Read More...
Eg Elska Island

Eg Elska Island

I’m just back from my fifth visit to Iceland. I live in Lincolnshire, UK, a flat county – mostly land reclaimed from the sea that’s now domesticated farmland. ... Read More...